Uncategorized The Southern Academics and Experts Forum organized a workshop entitled “The Issue of the Southern People from the Perspective of International Law.” February 28, 2023
Uncategorized منتدى الأكاديميين والخبراء الجنوبي يختتم ورشة عمل إدارة المشاريع والتسويق للمنظمات غير الربحية في أرخبيل سقطرى February 28, 2023
Uncategorized The Southern Academics and Experts Forum concluded a workshop on project management and marketing for non-profit organizations in Socotra Archipelago February 28, 2023
Uncategorized A virtual symposium partnered between the “Southern Academics and Experts Forum” and “Almuhjar Academy”. August 14, 2021
Uncategorized A video seminar for the Southern Academics and Experts Forum, sponsored by the Southern Transitional Council – UK April 4, 2021